miércoles, 16 de enero de 2013

Veranera - Boungainvillea glabra

Veranera - Boungainvillea glabra
Paper Flower (Bougainvillea glabra), or lower buganvillea, is a species of climbing plant of the family of Nyctaginaceae, and is the most common species for bonsai. It has bright green leaves, slightly hairy or glabrous, and magenta bracts, deciduous leaves (deciduous).'s A perennial, climbing, woody, reaching up to 10 m high. Flowers very small, white, in groups with colorful bracts papillose. It has single or double varieties flower. The woody trunk tends to curl, and the thin branches have sharp thorns and dark green leaves. It is very good for hedges, arches, or shrub on earth and in pots

Reina de la noche / trompeta - Brugmansia candida

Reina de la noche / trompeta - Brugmansia candida
Brugmansia is a genus of seven species of flowering plants in the family Solanaceae. Their large, fragrant flowers give them their common name of angel's trumpets, a name sometimes used for the closely related genus Datura.  Brugmansia are woody trees or shrubs, with pendulous, not erect, flowers, that have no spines on their fruit.  Datura species are herbaceous bushes with erect (not pendulous) flowers, and most have spines on their fruit. Brugmansia are large shrubs or small trees, with semi-woody, often many-branched trunks. They can reach heights of 3–11 m (10–36 ft). The leaves are alternately arranged along the stems, generally large, 10–30 cm (4–12 in) long and 4–18 cm (2–7 in) across, with an entire or coarsely toothed margin, and are often covered with fine hairs. The name "angel's trumpet" refers to the large, pendulous, trumpet-shaped flowers, 14–50 cm (6–20 in) long and 10–35 cm (4–14 in) across at the opening. They come in shades of white, yellow, pink, orange, green, or red. Most have a strong, pleasing fragrance that is most noticeable in the evening. Flowers may be single, double, or more.

Papirus / Paraguitas - Cyperus involucratus

Papirus  / Paraguitas - Cyperus involucratus

Cyperus involucratus, the umbrella sedge, is a close cousin of the famous Egyptian papyrus plant (Cyperus papyrus), which it resembles. Like papyrus, the umbrella plant grows in clumps in wet and boggy areas, although it will thrive in drier situations as well. The clumps are composed of slender triangular stems that arise from a network of woody rhizomes and grow to a height of 2-6 ft (0.6-1.8 m). The small basal leaves are barely noticeable as they are reduced to sheaths around the bottom of the stems. At the stem tips are about two dozen leaflike bracts that are 6-15 in (15.2-38.1 cm) long, about 0.5 in (1.3 cm) wide and radially arranged like the spokes of wheel. Clusters of small greenish flowers grow from the center of the disk. Flowers are followed by small fruits that mature to dark brown.

Ginger Rosado/ Rojo - Ginger sp

Ginger Rosado/ Rojo - Ginger sp

Is a variety of useful for making tropical flower tropical flower arrangements and bouquets. Varieties have red and pink in sizes. The ginger families (Zingiberaceae) are a large group of tropical grasses.  Most gingers are native to the rainforests; Colombia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Panama and Brazil together hold approximately 68% of the planet's species.
Their habitat is varied, from humid to dry areas seasonal. Most are rainforest habitat and high relative humidity. Species belonging to Zingiberales generally grow in disturbed ecosystems banks with good lighting and water sources, forest clearings and along roads and footpaths, in a range of altitudes ranging from sea level to 2000 m.

Dracaena - Dracaena marginata

Dracaena - Dracaena marginata

It is a shrub, with one or more trunks, slow growing, it eventually can reach up to 5 m high. The leaves are linear to lanceolate, 30 to 90 cm long and 2-7 cm wide, with a dark red margin which it takes its name. The name "Dracaena" derives from the Greek "Drakaina = Dragon" referring to the "Dracaena draco". It is a very popular houseplant for the ornamentation of their leaves, the color between bright green and pale green with red edges according to species and cultivars. Because it requires little care, is very popular in offices where the constant heat and light we are propitious; grows well with 63-73% shade, although the red edge becomes more vividly with direct sunlight.
It is one of the plants used in studies of air cleaning by NASA and has shown to help remove formaldehyde.